BMcompact WWTP

The BMcompact WWTP is built in GRP and it’s based on the SYCON®compact Biological Tower, filled with the NATANTIA® Biocube, both Bluemater products. It’s a complete system with containerized primary screening and sludge dewatering, removing water pollutants such as ammonia, nitrites, phosphates, BOD5 and COD. It presents a low power consumption and maintenance.

The BMcompact WWTP is built on glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and is based on the SYCON®compact Biological Tower, filled with the NATANTIA® Biocube, both from Bluemater. It’s a complete system with containerized primary screening and sludge dewatering that remove pollutants from water, such as BOD5, COD, ammonia, nitrites, phosphates and other pollutants. It has low power consumption and low maintenance. The effluent to be treated is pumped from a receiving tank or pumping well to the sieving and then flows gravely into the SYCON®compact biological tower. It may or may not have an anaerobic tank (depending on whether there is a septic tank or pre-equalization tank) and its ultra-compact dimensions allow transporting the entire system inside a single container.

The SYCON®compact Biological Tower has integrated a lamellar decanter, so no posterior sludge decanting is required. The sludge is pumped out to a dewatering system incorporated in the WWTP or outdoor storage tank.

bm compact wwtp


  • Biological treatment without chemicals
  • Innovative chemical-free foam liquefaction system
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Real-time monitoring and control system
  • Optimizing the efficiency of existing treatment systems

Technical Characteristics

  • Construction: GRP
  • Sludge screening and dewatering included
  • Filling of the SYCON®water Biological Tower: NATANTIA® Biocube
  • Flow rates: 15-150 m3/day
  • Standard models (equivalent people): BMcompact WWTP 100; 250; 500; 1000
  • Other custom-made models


  • Wastewater treatment:
    • domestic
    • restaurants and hotels
    • condominiums
    • small industries
  • May be part of other treatment solutions
  • Replacement or upgrade of existing WWTPs
  • Aquaculture
bluemater - eco efficient solutions

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Please provide all the information you find relevant., eg.: flow rate, water type, water analysis, treatment target.