SYCON®water Biological Tower

The SYCON®water Biological Tower is a percolation reactor developed by Bluemater. It is filled with a percolation media and acts like a biological filter for the aerobic wastewater treatment of effluents. The highest efficiency is achieved when it’s filled with NATANTIA® Biocubes.

The SYCON® water biological tower is innovative and designed for the aerobic treatment of leachate and wastewater. It’s a biological percolation tower with a prismatic shape and with a configuration that allows optimum irrigation of the entire percolating bed, drastically reducing energy needs and space. It’s constructed of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and can be filled with  percolating beds available on the market. Its prismatic shape allows to increase the yield and facilitates the transport and installation, being able to be transported disassembled, and later assembled in the installation place.


  • Maximized irrigation area
  • Ideal treatment surface
  • Reduced installation space
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Modular and flexible design
  • Real-time monitoring and control

Technical Characteristics

  • Removal of COD, BOD5, nitrogen and other pollutants
  • Promotes nitrification
  • Promotes biological oxidation of organic matter
  • Optimized according to the effluent characteristics
  • Volume of 10 to 100 m³
  • It allows the modular installation of multiple towers, in series or in parallel
  • The tower can continue to function partially in case of maintenance or obstruction


  • Treatment of:
    • landfill leachate
    • industrial wastewater
    • domestic wastewater
    • municipal wastewater
  • Upgrade of existing WWTPs
  • Bioremediation of polluted waters
  • Aquaculture
Aerobic treatment is a natural process for wastewater treatment which gets activated in the contact with oxygen. Aerobic biomass transform wastewater into carbon dioxide and new biomass. The technology of aerobic wastewater treatment are independent systems for wastewater for handling with raw wastwater, either to polish anaerobically pretreated wastewater to further remove biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) as well as total suspended solid (TSS) and to abolish nitrogen and phosphorus.

Aerobic wastewater treatment is used to polish industrial wastewater pre-treated by anaerobic processes. This guarantees that the wastewater is fully degraded and can be carefully send out which agrees with the strict environmental regulations.

It is typically used as a 2nd wastewater treatment process after rough containments been filtered out. Aerobic treatment is efficient to take out organic contaminants from heavily organic-laden wastes and it is useful for industries like food, beverage, chemical and municipal.

The organic contaminants these microorganisms decomposed are often measured in biological oxygen demand (BOD) which describe the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic organisms to break down organic matter into smaller molecules.

Aerobic wastewater treatments must be provided with oxygen because the biomass require oxygen. When installing wastewater treatment ponds or include a set of mechanical aeration device to introduce oxygen into the biomass.

It depends on the chemical composition of the wastewater in relation to the effluent requirements, a biological wastewater treatment system might be composed of various processes and several types of microorganisms. They need special operational procedures that depend on the environment needed to keep biomass growth rates optimal for the microbial populations.

bluemater - eco efficient solutions

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