VULCAN® Flotator

The VULCAN® Flotator incorporates an innovative foam liquefying system. It has been designed to avoid chemical usage. It can be effectively applied for sludge flotation, for Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) with ozone or another oxidant, and also as a biological filter.

The VULCAN® Flotator eliminates suspended solids, oxygenates the effluent, allows the inclusion of ozone or other oxidant in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), and promotes nitrification. It can be implemented as a primary or secondary flotation tank and its volume can reach up to 100m³, making it one of the largest flotators in the world. It integrates the ALGAMATER® WWTP, as well as primary and secondary thinning. The innovative foam liquefaction system makes it one of the most efficient flotators on the market.


  • Biological treatment without chemicals
  • Innovative chemical-free foam liquefaction system
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Real-time monitoring and control system
  • Optimizing the efficiency of existing treatment systems

Technical Characteristics

  • Removal of COD, BOD5 and SST
  • Removal of ammonia, sulphides and nitrogen
  • Removal of organic matter, oils, fats and other pollutants
  • Optimized according to effluent characteristics
  • Volume of 10 to 100 m³
  • Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) by ozonating system (optional)


  • Treatment of:
    • landfill leachate
    • industrial wastewater
    • domestic wastewater
    • municipal wastewater
  • Upgrade of existing WWTPs
  • Bioremediation of polluted waters
  • Aquaculture
bluemater - eco efficient solutions

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